Seed-link: The Plant Breeders Agent

Breeders of Improved Varieties of Agricultural and Lawn species recognize the enormous expense of variety development and the need to maximize the economic return to the breeding program. To accomplish this, varieties must be evaluated over the broadest range of conditions and environments to assure that the genetic variability is fully understood, explored and capitalized upon.


To aid Breeders in the accomplishment of these goals, Seed-link has developed its skills, contacts and knowledge of the regulatory requirements in a broad range of markets in order to provide a highly professional and specialized Breeders Agency service. Its steady contact with many of the principal marketing organizations in its seed brokerage activity, provides it with an intimate insight into the inner workings of the market and the opportunity to select and develop the potential marketers of varieties who have the capacity to deliver the best results.

Seed-link Breeders Agency Services includes management of the following: Comment

Seed-link has been engaged as Breeders Agency almost since its inception in 1972. It has accumulated numerous success stories of varieties which have been brought from the original research stage through to the market, expanding royalty income for their breeders. Forage Varieties of Alfalfa, Red Clover, Timothy, Orchardgrass, Reed Canarygrass, Meadow Fescue, Bromegrass, Soybeans, Flax, Oats, Barley, Wheat, Canola and Field Peas.

Breeders around the world who are interested either in entry of their varieties to North America or interested in accessing varieties from North America for their home markets, call on Seed-link's expertise in this important field.

Seed-link's service is unique in that it provides an independent approach through which breeders may reach many directions in a given market free of competitive factors. Seed-link does not compete as a wholesaler or retailer, but rather is a service provider.


Varieties for Market Development
Seed-link is compensated for its work through participation in Royalties earned or Seed sold. This means basically that the costs for the Professional services is only incurred for successful varieties. Seed-link's participation in Royalty or Seed sold is negotiated initially so that it may be included in the development of agreements for marketing so that the breeder may determine his return from a project.

Rates are relative to the size, complexity and timeline anticipated.

New Areas of Activity - GMO's in Agricultural plants

With the rapidly expanding interest in introduction of new unique traits to established crop kinds, Seed-link offers developers of traits a unique opportunity to make contact with breeding groups who may be interested in investigation of opportunities in this exciting field. Experience to date has included development of access to herbicide tolerance traits, access to new hybridizing technology in canola, and exploration of potentials for various other tolerances and resistance's. We offer a strong background in knowledge and experience of governmental regulatory affairs concerning GMO's in North America.

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Seed-link Inc.
208 St. David Street
P.O. Box 217
Lindsay, Ontario
Canada    K9V 5Z4
Phone: (705) 324-0544
Fax: (705) 324-2550